Centre Of Excellence


Comprehensive health examination includes various tests and screenings to assess your overall health status and detect any underlying medical conditions early on. At our hospital, we offer medical check-ups that can be conducted also at your convenience in the comfort of your own home. Our experienced medical professionals will visit you to perform the necessary tests and provide you with a detailed report of your health status.

MCU and Diagnostic Centre as one of the top centers of excellence in our hospital, provide a range of diagnostic services.

The various diagnostic tests and procedures are available to support our excellent service detection in neurology, oncology, cardiology, gastroenterohepatology, and orthopedic disease. MRI, CT scans, X-rays, ultrasound, and laboratory tests with the top accuracy and speed of these tests – as a result, doctors can quickly diagnose and treat medical conditions.

The diagnostic services are supported by qualified and experienced radiologists, pathologists, and other healthcare professionals who work in the MCU and Diagnostic Centre.